Darren Bungay
"I feel the best I have in years! I felt so tired and old every morning but after deciding it was time to do something for me, I have my energy back and actually felt good about myself whilst away with my wife on holiday this year."
Darren had become stuck in a cycle of working long hours each day for his business and then returning home to snack on junk food and cracking open the wine. He did no form of regular exercise and when he did try to get active at the weekends in his garden, he felt restricted by back pain and sore knees and was very low on energy.
Fast forward 14 months and Darren is a new man! He trains 3 times a week in the gym and for the first time in his life has developed his upper body strength. He now sticks to drinking only at weekends which has massively improved his sleep quality and you can see in his face how much healthier he looks . His blood pressure and resting heart rate have dropped down to optimal levels and he can now spend time working in his garden at the weekend without his back and knees causing him discomfort.
The Client Journey:
From Start to Success
Start Weight
End Weight
- Poor nutrition
- Feeling weak and low on energy
- In pain with poor health markers
- Feel energised
- Develop strength, particularly in upper body
- Lose fat from around stomach and chest
Plan of Action
- Reduce drinking and introduced nutrition plan to boost energy
- Build up strength whilst improving back and knee joint function
- Improve sleep hygiene and stress management to increase energy and health markers
The Result
- Lost 20KG body fat
- Added strength and increased muscle mass
- Dropped blood pressure and resting heart rate to boost his energy