I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years, and I’ve finally developed the perfect workout formula to make sure you achieve your strength and fat loss goals………ok I’m joking……there isn’t one!
There unfortunately isn’t one amazing workout or structure that will guarantee you get to your goals. You can add in all the fancy training systems that are out there, like drop sets, supersets, back off sets, volume training or push/pull splits, but in reality, when it comes to getting results, this is not the key factor.
Here’s the thing. The people who I see achieve results are the ones that ACTUALLY DO THEIR WORKOUTS!
This might sound like an obvious thing to say but I have seen it so many times where people get lost in the world of hunting for or creating the perfect workout, and forget that the thing that will actually get them to their goals is this.
They have to stick to a workout plan and perform it both consistently, progressively, and with intent. Otherwise, its effectively useless!
Sticking to the most basic programme alongside your nutrition, daily activity, mindset, sleep management etc is what will get you to your goals, NOT the level of complexity of the programme itself. Now this isn’t to say that careful and clever programming doesn’t have its place. It absolutely does. With all my clients I choose exercises, intensity, frequency etc based on that specific individual, how I’ve assessed their body to move, their starting point and training history, their lifestyle, their output capacity and their current health markers. But I’m also aware that I need that client to actually perform their workout week in, week out to get them to their goal.
One of the key things that I think ensures this is if they enjoy their workouts, and this enjoyment can come from different places. For some, it’s the enjoyment and empowerment from their progression in strength. For others it’s seeing reps and weights go up week by week in their logbooks or building the strength to learn a new skill-based movement like a pull up variation. All of this is accompanied by an after workout endorphin hit keeping them going back for more!
When you think about it, it does makes perfect sense. If you enjoy something, you’ll want to do it regularly each week, you’ll want to work hard at it if you enjoy the outcome, you’ll stick to the routine of exercising consistently and you will therefore GET RESULTS! If you can find these things in a workout then in my opinion, that makes that workout ‘the best one’ for you, and will set you up to hit your fitness goals.