Transformation is a word that is thrown around a lot, particularly in the fitness industry. It is often used to describe a significant physical change in a person, however to us here at The One Percent Club, we like to think a little bigger than that.
Infact we like to take a 360 degree approach to transformations, making a significant change to our clients health AND their physiques, and thus maximising their productivity and performance.
To achieve this 360 approach, we look at 6 key areas and make sure they are ALL addressed and worked upon if necessary. This is key to achieving the life changing results that we get with our clients. John is a great example of this, achieving a 35KG weightloss, alongside a dramatic drop in bloodpressure, no more knee pain, an improved relationship with alcohol, cycling performance through the roof and a new happier approach to life with a more effective way to manage stress. This also means he can perform even better within his own company, which has also grown rapidly over the past few years, and he’s in a much stronger place to deal with it.
So what are the 6 areas we look at in this 360 degree approach to transformations?
Training is essential to build a physique and there’s no escaping the fact that a muscular body has to be worked for and involves lifting weights! However there are many modalities for training and its about selecting the right one and the right exercises for an individual, based upon multi factors including their goal, the time they have available for training, experience, their joint mobility and the condition that persons body is in. We do not believe in a one sized fits all approach but instead consider what the person infront of us NEEDS to get them to their physical goal, whilst maximising their health in the process. Its easy to forget that alongside the aesthetic changes, we can improve things like joint health, mobility, injury risk, bone density and cardio vascular health.
You can train all you want but if you nutrition doesn’t support your goal then you are fighting a losing battle. Your nutritional requirements for losing weight will be different to if you want to build muscle, and different again to if you want to maximise performance. We also must consider where the individual in front of us is starting from, where they want to get to and create an approach that best suits them. The most important factor when looking at this area is ADHERENCE. What plan can our client actually stick to as well as helping give them what they need for their health, digestion and mindset. If you can’t stick to a plan then a transformation is out of the question!
This is an area that is often overlooked. If you have good digestion then you have the ability to effectively breakdown and absorb the food you are actually eating. If we don’t do this effectively this can have a negative impact on our goals such as performance, weightloss or the ability to build muscle. If digestion is not consistent it can also make our ability to coach our clients to their goals more challenging with skewed data and weight fluctuations that poor digestion can bring, as well as its ability to impact our energy levels.
Sleep is a big one! Poor or inadequate sleep can have a knock on effect to so many factors, including reduced movement and energy levels, poor food choices, poor performance and increased stress levels to name a few. A person who is constantly tired and under recovered is unlikely to be able to adhere to a plan, have the energy to push themselves in the gym to build new tissue, or manage their stress levels and so therefore very unlikely to achieve a transformation!
Stress has been referred to by the World Heath Organisation as the 'health epidemic of the 21st century’. Stress and the stress response can be very useful and necessary in certain situations. However Chronic stress due to fast pace living, stressful and demanding job and a lack of time spent calming and relaxing our nervous system can have a negative impact on our health including elevated blood pressure, risk of conditions such as heart attacks and strokes and suppressing our immune system. It can also make changes to body composition very challenging due to its effect on certain hormone levels, increasing appetite, elevating blood sugar levels and increasing fat storage.
The mind is our control centre so it makes sense that we keep this as healthy as possible.
‘Where the mind goes the body follows’
Our mind and mindset will impact out ability to perform movements, regulate our nervous system and stress levels and effect our decision making and behaviour.If we don’t address this, then we are again aiming to achieve a transformation built on weak foundations and so unlikely to achieve or maintain a result. We therefore work with out clients to try and improve areas that may be holding them back such as black and white thinking, perfectionism, fixed mindset, overthinking, poor nervous system regulation, stress and anxiety.
We hope this has given you a short introduction into our 360 degree approach to transformation and helped you understand the value that each part has to play. All areas overlap and can positively and negatively impact each other and therefore the end result. This is why we believe you have to address them all to achieve a full transformation of both health and physique.
We hope you have a great week,
Do what others don’t!